Parents are an infant’s main source of information about the social world. Practically from day one, an infant is reading his parents’ facial expressions, noticing their tone of voice, and watching their gestures. Even at this early stage, he’s using this information to develop skills related to social and emotional development.
What is social and emotional learning, and why is it important? In a nutshell, it’s recognizing our emotions, having some control over them, having empathy for others, handling conflict well, and making good choices about personal and social behavior.
The holiday season is upon us and with it the need to remember our loved ones with gifts from the heart. However, purchasing unique gifts for each individual on your list can be overwhelming, not to mention expensive.
As a parent and caregiver, there are many actions you can take to produce lasting positive results in your growing child.
Shop anywhere for the next couple of months and you will find pumpkins everywhere you turn. Fall is all about pumpkins, whether real or decorative, or even flavoring our coffees and sweets.
As a parent, choosing a childcare center can be a daunting task. While parents are a child’s first teacher, childcare staff and personnel serve as first teachers as well. Parents should pay close attention to the quality of potential childcare centers.